Audible space weather appears, McGreevy explains, when energy from the sun "impacts Earth's Magnetosphere and generates lovely Aurora and Natural-Radio Signals." This topologically endless pressure-front between terrestrial energy and the radioactivity of the sun whistles, hisses and growls throughout McGreevy's MP3s.
Okay. I personally have nothing against proving that Noah's Ark did indeed exist, and that the sentiment behind it is.. well.. noble. But come on.
I must say though, that the estimated project cost at just under 1m Euros is quite impressive. That will get you glazed gallery walkway here, but lets not talk about that.
But the zoo bit is something I have a little bit of a problem with. They're planning to keep baby horses, lambs, chickens etc etc to save space. Now we know that we can keep all these animals in relatively small spaces and cause them no harm. But babies grow up do they not? Chicks become chickens and ponies become horses - where are they going to go then? Isn't it just a little mean to go, oh okay, I'm going to put these little animals in this boat (which, according to my memory have tiny little windows-no LIGHT!! YOU MONSTERS!)ahem, and then ship (pun intended) them off, to oh I dunno where?
That means that they can only keep a certain amount of animals in the boat (obviously) but correct me if I'm wrong but as nature and life have it, things multiply. Where do they go? It all seems like a lot of air and a big farce to me.
In the article the man who is building this ark, Johan Huibers is quoted as saying 'This will speak very much to children, they'll hear the creak of the wood smell the smell of the dung.' Great marketing strategy matey. Whether you're 13 or 31 you are going to hear and smell the same shit. And something tells me from your photo there that the openings aren't going to be quite big enough are they?
You've got to give the man credit for having ambition, because he so clearly does. Lets just hope that in a few years time his 'zoo' won't be reduced to a couple of stuffed animals with sound effects, eh?
moo. xxW
Hermit crabs have a gross shortage of homes. Check out this link for more info but for those who can't be arsed to read it this is the gist:
Folkes, think of all the poor crabs who are wondering the beaches of the world looking for a home. Stop collecting seashells. The mental image of this poor little crab clutching onto its precious home is too much! I hope to dedicate.. well.. at leat 10% of my time when I'm qualified to the rehousing of crabs.
The plastic shelters might be lightweight and whatnot-but how about the bouyancy of the shells themselves? We wouldn't want schools of little plastic shells bobbing around the ocean now do we? Oh the images in my head are too much! haahHAha..
The article says that the crabs often exchange their shells depending on their size. So does that mean that the houses have to come in S,M,L,XL? Are hermit crabs in America bigger than hermit crabs from China? This I'd like to know.
And the corporate logos thing - can you just imagine this tiny little crab with his little man made house with oh I dunno, a Shell logo? Oh the irony. Then you'd have groups of these these crabs lumbering around our shores with logos or slogans with the more obvious health warning - 'Got Crabs?' call 0800-c-r-a-b-s
Don't get me wrong, I fully support the building of homes for the homeless hermits and hope to someday help house our little homeless friends. xxw