Monday, January 08, 2007

Hair horror and just how much of home we bring away.

10.00am came online to check my emails before heading off and found this missus online! And she's back in owr wee toon. Excitedly I gush to her that I'm on the way to get my hair cut. And I've treated myself to an appointment at Essensuals in Camden. Found the last place I tried in Camden a little odd to say the least and thought, hey, they're having some january offer, why not?

11.34am on the phone to Kyle on the verge of tears as goth hairdresser hacked at magic hair to produce Ugly Betty lookalikey. Should have remembered from last experience at Toni&Guy in Nottingham and vowed (for a second time) never to set foot in the place again. Bloody overpriced scissor toting maniacs.

My task for the moment is damage control. *click* google *search* hair growing pills. no? *newsearch* ebay - wigs.

Then again, I'm not really one to be lucky with hair cuts.. Every now and again I find a brilliant hair dresser, only to move city and wish I could have taken them with me. I suppose its one of those things. Move into new house, find closest corner shop/supermarket/indian takeaway/bus to indian takeaway/hairdresser. Nottingham was a toughie, especially with the good indian takeaway a 10 minute drive out of the city, and only finding a hairdresser with curly hair himself in my last year.

If I could change one thing in this world today it would be: to have compulsory modules in hairdressing schools on how to cut and finish curly hair.

I know, big goals for this one.

Oh and I have to say brilliant, brilliant post by Emma on 2006's Movers and Shakers! Wish I was there for the photo shoot. Emma writes:
Even when we're abroad, permanently or temporarily living there because of life, work or school, we are Bruneians at heart.
So, I look around the room and see our newly acquired gold framed mirror (that, I'm not afraid to say I love), ethnic paraphernalia, rattan furniture (ack, its not exactly rattan, its paper, but it has the same aesthetic, see?) and my prized little mini tudong dulang. Even at Kyle's mum's house are little Brunei-isms that have, grown since I've been around. Like the silver fruit - is it a Mangosteen(sp?)? Why yes! Just a few more years, I'm sure they will be off to buy a rice cooker as I have proven useless armed with a regular pot. A regular pot, to cook rice? Good gracious. How absurd. hahaha.. It is when you find yourself up to the elbows trying to scrape off the last of the burnt rice from the bottom before the grown-ups get home!

Ahh, its all about the little give and take. He takes his shoes off at the door, I put the milk in without sugar. xxw


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