Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Welcome to our world..

I found a list on facebook and thought I'd share. I've omitted quite a few since the list is really quite long so the most important onces are left. Enjoy!

If you are architecture students you've probably experienced:
-the taste of wood glue
-you don't understand how somebody can spend less than £20 at the supplies store
-you hate people telling you "go to sleep" or "do you still have a lot of work?''
-you’ve heard all your ipod songs in a week
-you aren’t seen in public without bags under your eyes (I have three words for you: concealer, concealer, concealer.)
-you’ll dance ymca with a choreography without a drop of alcohol in your system (or ride the rolley chairs down the hill in front of studios, your choice)
-you have more pictures of landscapes and places than of people
-someone once called you “lazy” and you wanted them murdered (you have been warned. This also applies to the ''so what? I was in University too'' spiel. Its. Not. The. Pfft. Same.)
-you can live without human contact, sunlight, food, but if your plotter’s ink runs out… chaos!!!
-when somebody lends you a Bic pen you look down at it (what is this inferior thing you present me with?)
-everybody tells you how they admire your work, “but there is no money for it”
-you’ve gained the ability to sleep in whatever surface: pencils, keyboards, backpacks, your studio mates, food, etc (perched against the glass on the train between Nottingham and London in a crowded train- stood up)
-when you finally have free time to go out you keep thinking “who was the idiot that designed the restaurant’s bathroom?” “who designed this menu?” or “who designed this [chair, table, lighting, fork, etc]”
-you've been at many sunrises, yet you've never seen one

Oh the list is endless. For now, photoshop calls. xxw


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