Saturday, December 09, 2006

Biscuits for Breakfast-Fink

Everyone's had biscuits for breakfast at some point in their life - high or low. Oh and whoever denies this is either a saint who doesn't touch anything sweeter than an apple until after 12 or a big fat liar liar pants on fire.

A friend introduced me to Fink at the end of the summer because he'd been to see him at some obscure gig (at least I hope so.. that's the image in my head anyway). After a long drive from Spalding to Wells (it shouldn't have been long but we got lost..) listening to Fink, I was hooked!

The album begins with this song and doesn't disappoint further on. Which is why, mid December, I'm still listening to it even though I've packed all my Summer-y tunes away for 07. Fall in love. I have. xxw


Blogger Broccoli said...

Speaking of bizkits, I watched a program on National Geographic called Mad Labs the other day, and it featured a scientist testing the theory behind the perfect biscuit-tea dunking. There's the whole 'dive' technique, where you dip the whole end of your biscuit into your tea, which always results with the biscuit getting soggy by the time it reaches your mouth, which really is about 2-3 seconds for standard biscuits.

Then he tried out the 'test-the-water' technique, which was dipping just the underside of the edge of the biscuit, not the whole end. This means that the bottom part of the edge of the biscuit will be wet, and not the upper part. The edge of the biscuit did not dissolve, and you can enjoy the biscuit-tea experience without frustratingly breaking your teacup's handle off.

Try it. (;

December 09, 2006 10:38 pm  
Blogger Widarchitect said...

I like the 'test-the-water' technique though never realised that there was a term for it!

For me, my biscuit of choice for tea-dunking will always be the faithfull Hob nob. Perfect for multiple-dunking, and never crumbles into your tea leaving that scum at the bottom.

Now, the tea accompaniment snack is a totally different story altogether! xxw

December 09, 2006 10:55 pm  
Blogger Broccoli said...

He never used the term; I just didn't know how else to describe it.

It's also actually a bit difficult to illustrate how the experiment was done in words; I may show you one day, over actual specimens. Perhaps those of your choosing.

I usually have just tea on its own because that's what my bloody English friends always seem to drink. They'll be busy playing a poker game, when one would pipe up with "tea, anyone?" Haha. Love it.

Hob nobs are amazing; I miss it so. Your fault!

One time, I had tea with sunflower seeds [kuace]. Those white ones. It was a bizarre feeling, but I quite liked it. Although it'll be different having it here as compared to having it back in London. Haha. I hardly ever drink tea since I've been back!

December 09, 2006 11:28 pm  
Blogger Widarchitect said...

Hahaha... Its so nice when someone goes 'tea,anyone?' The entire term doesn't exist outside England. Working in Singapore, my workmate who started just before me told me this:

'When I first got here, I used to ask around (we worked in small groups of about 2-5 people per area) before going to the pantry to get my cup of tea - 'tea anyone?' - they thought I was mad, and always declined my offer. Then when I'd get back, they'd get up and make themselves a hot drink.'

A bit of a culture shock for her, I imagine. I'm not sure what the work etiquette is in Brunei regarding tea.. perhaps you could enlighten me?

You're blaming me for the hobnobs? Its your fault I'm missing kuace! Green Tea flavoured, is definately the way forward. Sounds a little overkill with actual tea, but it actually grows on you..

I don't drink that much tea when I'm back in Brunei either. Funny that... But I always blame the milk we get there. Always always tastes like UHT milk, you know like the milk you get in those little sealed cups? No matter what brand of milk you buy. Oh and Lipton tea cannot compare to good old Yorkshire Tea. Am I right? OH, Unless! unless, what we're talking about Teh Tarik which, Zippy, is another subject too huge to tackle here. *shakes head, with the weight of the subject matter* xxw

December 09, 2006 11:42 pm  

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