Monday, January 15, 2007

Floral Frocks, Bling and SWAN*

Classy Shoes!

(*SWAN-Sunnies Worn At Night)

Okay, I'm no beacon of good taste, but I like to think that I can figure out whats generally of 'good taste' and whats not. Turning up to party dressed as Hitler - bad taste. Kicking kittens at RSPCA meeting - bad taste. Coming to a wedding dressed in white - bad taste. Its not so hard. Finding perfectly bad outfit for party. Tricky.

1. Fake Versace tortoise-shell glasses with gold lion heads
2. Hoop earrings complete with gold chain-link necklace
3. One shoulder shimmery silver tiger print with batwing sleeve mini dress.
4. Fishnets
5. Lace up black PVC strappy heels
6. Bra stap showing
7. Tags still on above items

So after huge detour enroute to the party we finally got there either fashionably late or just late - in which case would be totally inkeeping with the theme for the party. Anyhow, I shall let the pictures do the talking:

Kyle and Ashleigh. Both pretending to look miserable in their bad outfits but secretly loving it!

Ash, Mary and Me looking like we had just stepped out of bad holiday camp. Note Mary's dress was fab - backless and pinned at the bottom.

Kyle, Mary and Me with the scarey eyes.

Oh the carnage. Elaria there on the right with the red trainers and dress works for LK Bennet which made her outfit just that little bit funnier - esp when she told us that the dress was the new uniform for them.

The scarey thing is? I'm growing attached to these sunnies. xxw


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool outfits..

January 22, 2007 3:35 am  

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