Friday, December 08, 2006

I'd like A Bike Please.

Sat at the Pret near Uni, as I dig into my lunch some guy pootles along on one of these.

How cool, I thought. Looks like something he made. But doesn't look like he's getting anywhere fast. I re-told my story to Kyle..

Me: babe, there was this guy on a bike with wheels like only this big!
K: uhhuh.
Me: no you don't understand, they were only this big.
K: uhhuh.
Me: ah.

I completely forgot about what I saw until yesterday when it reappeared, only this time on my tv screen.

K: come and look at this! (laughs at tv presenter who too is pootling around the studio crashing into things)
Me: uhhuh. I told you about this like aaaaages ago (playing the 'duh-how ketingallan zaman(i.e left in the stone age) are you?' card)

I've decided its one of the coolest inventions I have seen this year. If you aren't familiar with the maker, Sir Clive Sinclair - where have you been?! You'll probably remember the Sinclair c5
that always seems to make the 'top 100 embarassing moments/things/inventions', that crushed the man's credibility. Still, he's back on top with the new A-Bike that, I think, looks fantastic. A lot more practical than the 1k two wheel, stand-up thing that was brought out a few years ago - wouldn't you think? At £199, the A-Bike is so much more affordable than your regular bike, and I have to say I wouldn't mind one at all.

However, I think during yesterday's Tornado in London, I think I might just stay indoors! Mind you, I was outside during that time (not so clever- I know) and didn't think anything of it until I knew it was an actual Tornado! Lesson learned: People get out of your Range Rovers and get yourselves an A-Bike! xxw


Blogger BorgKingKong said...

Wow, never knew England was prone to Tornadoes. Never heard anything pun when we were there.. freak phenomenon?

December 09, 2006 5:39 am  
Blogger Widarchitect said...

tell me about it! the photos of what happened to the houses are mind-boggling. It might be a freak phenomenon to happen in London but I have been in Lincolnshire where there have been 'little' tornadoes. There, they just cut through the farms and perhaps lift a couple roofs off a barn or two but that's nothing in comparison to what we saw happen here. Still, Tornadoes hit the UK every year.. and this time happened to be a little too close to home for comfort!xxw

December 09, 2006 7:33 pm  

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