So the news isn't good. I didn't get in.
But hey - so many more options to explore.
I've spent the past few days feeling terribly sorry for my little self - being a brat really. But enough is enough and I've got to sort my life out because
no one is going to do it for me.
Been spending time online finding an alternative course to enroll on but MAN! Some of the things people will enroll on these days eh? I mean where do they find the people to teach them? This is what I looked at:
Fine Art: had a quick look at doing a fine arts course which I think would suit my current state of mind quite well but then again I was never all that great at life drawing (which is the only short course in london!!) - far too slow and fussy. I romantisized for oh, twenty minutes about going off to Italy to join an art school on a hill surrounded by olive trees and plenty of goats and good food. But that died quickly as soon as I realised that I don't think the admissions tutors at the AA will be very impressed with pictures of goats when I tell them what I've been doing for the past year.
Philosopy: Been reading up on Architectural Philosophy and was quite into old Freud-y at the end of final year - only because I was doing a project on dreams and you have to love the notion of dreams being out innermost desires. So had a re-read of Derrida and the like on Wikipedia again since I haven't looked at that stuff for a good year only to realise that there was a reason why. I just can't make up my mind! Can anyone find me a course on Wabi-Sabi?
Metaphysics: Short course on Metaphysics?
read: Philosophy
Language: This one was a good one. Definately dabbled in this for quite a long time thinking that perhaps another language might help me out once I'd left Uni. I still think so but perhaps that might be something to do part-time during my couse.
Finally I found the perfect course for me which is probably going to be full of old fogies but what the hey. I'll fill you in
when I get the place.
Other than that the weather in Spalding has been.. a little indecisive - a little like my current mood (not knowing where to go/what to do..). So we took the sunshine this morning as a sign to go for a run. Now that we're back in the house we've got plenty to do/ sort out since we're house sitting for the weekend.
Thoughts for today:
1. Friends re-runs. The staple for the telly junkie. What would tv be without friends to fill in the gaps?
2. Cow's Milk. How come we call Cow's Milk- Cow's Milk? Like Goat's Milk and Goat's Cheese. But you wouldn't say chicken's egg. Chicken Eggs? Chicken egg? Goose Egg? I'm sure you don't say Goose's Egg. Now
that would be silly.
Oh lordy. Someone let me back into school! xxw