Friday, July 14, 2006


Yesterday was my last day of school. Or 'school' rather. My friends and family know that I've been at school since being at home in order to sit an exam at the end of the year.

It started with mum introducing me to a lady she knows through the Women's Coucil, I think. My first impression was that she was nice, very very well spoken and appears to have travelled around the region especially around Indonesia - still hugely unchartered territory for me. A woman after my own heart - or vise versa depending on how you want to see it.

So we'd meet every morning at 930 after I pummel through the kampong road (as opposed to the giant highways) to her house and ungainly bump along the dirt road to her doorstep. By around 1130 we'd stop for a cup of tea and some kuih which she would unfailingly provide and exchange stories. We talked about everything from politics to Datuk K, our shared passion for budget travel to how she became a teacher from studying for her A Levels in three months in order to get a scholarship.

Her birthday is the day before my mum's and they both had similarly important roles during their working years here. Which is perhaps the reason why I found her so easy to relate to and understand.

I don't think she'll ever know how much I look up to her though. Which is quite sad really. Especially since my command of the Malay language is, well, a little stumped shall we say. She'd do most of the talking while I do a nodding donkey impression (GAH! DUMBASS Widari!) because I could never think of a way to express what I was thinking (omg cikgu I'm smart please I promise if only you could see the inside of my head!).

So half of yesterday I spent moping a little. Quite silly really after having only met her just over a month ago. Our dialogue before I left her house at midday as usual kind of went like this:

Cikgu: I'm not going to see you for a long time ni Dayangku. Sedih kah? (jokingly)
Emotional Idiot that is me: myes.
Cikgu: Elaa.. inda nyaman hati cikgu mendengar catu Dayangku.
Still, the emotional Idiot who cannot speak malay that is me: sorry cikgu.

hahAHhHHA sounds so sappy! But yeah, I was really sad to be leaving this sweet aunty who'd taken me into her home expecting nothing in return. I tried telling her that if ever she wanted to build an extension on her house or anything I can help her with I'd do it in h wella flash. Although I'm not sure whether I managed to get my point across. Nanti kalau cikgu kan buat extensyen rumah panggil saja yawwrr (sad in phoney anglosized accent)? xxw


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