Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Project Wanna-be It.

In light of my Project Wanna-be It, Victoria asks me 'Do you seriously wanna be an RA girl?' and I say hell yeah. Glam parties, stuff to do, being in the know and all that. Its not what you know its who you know right?

After all, you've got to want to be in the club to be in it if you know what I mean-yes? No one is in there by force. Well, not apparently anyway.

So as I was saying, in light of Project Wanna-be It I've decided to up my game. So here are my strategies:

Do put my best foot forward
Don't do it in selipar jepun bagas muji autumn 2001
Do be the fittest chick on the block
Don't let anyone know how many hours you've been racking up at your home-made Harun's Gym
Do be a team player preferably futsal, softball and the like.
Don't be the goalie/fat unfit chick chasing the ball in your brother's old Umbros.

Okay so the last Do point is the one I'm having trouble with. After all I'm only around for about two and a half more weeks which is the same amount of time I'll take to find my old boots. I haven't played football since that nasty game with Sheffield I played with Uni back in first year. And I haven't played indoor since.. oh god knows when. So chances are that I've chucked those old things away or they've succumbed to the termite hill at the bottom of the garden. These boots certainly weren't made for walking.

Then, Victoria asks me whether I'd like to get introduced to the man in the know. Bling bling a light shines from the heavens - or in this case the kitchen light which is steadily blinking like a sign from the God of It. NAhh.. that would be too easy. Must find alternative method of penetrating the system. After all I wouldn't want to look like a desperadito. Still, the option is open as soon as I figure out how un-It-worthy I might be.

Then again, I wouldn't know what to say if I did meet the guy.

Me-Hi. Can I join?
Him- Join what?
Me- Your club.
Him- Do I know you?
Me- No, but you should. Just add this address on your links and I'm in.
(hand over fab one-off business card with blog on and quickly scuttle away back into great unwashed)

Wish me luck. xxw


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no! why would you want to be part of that club!!! i couldn't possibly friend you if you did. :P just joking. i love u regardless.

July 06, 2006 10:58 am  
Blogger Widarchitect said...

haha. I scrub you too kiddo. But hey not to worry. I am starting a new club. Its called the Kebaya Kenduri Girls - SPG's with a little class. xxw

July 06, 2006 11:09 am  

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